Sunday, 4 November 2012

My Chair has it’s “Back-Up”.

This morning my alarm went off at the correct time. Six am. I was sitting up on the side of my bed going through my body checklist to see if all systems were working when I became aware of some pillow talk, “did you remember the time change?”  Wow. Good to be reminded of that at such a critical moment! It was going to be a good day!

Here I am with my coffee, sitting in my living room, worship music playing quietly, my neighbours houses dark, yet I’m not feeling alone. It’s a sacred moment as I consider you all, my readers (both of you!  J) and wonder what “my ever present guide” will prompt me to write this morning.

It seems our chairs have a great affect on us. We all spend a lot of time in chairs. Hard, soft, couches, vehicles, a huge percentage of our time is spent in a chair. For everything we do, there seems to be a different sitting device. When at leisure, like watching a football game like as I did yesterday, I reclined on a couch. Now, I’m at my computer and I’m sitting on a hard chair. At the office we sit in hard chairs or ergonomically designed computer chairs. As a boss we have a cushy soft chair. All of these chairs are chosen for the specific usage and as we think of each kind of chair, we think of all these different activities. These chairs all bring to mind different feelings, happiness, comfort, anger (like the chair at a job I don’t like!) frustration and so on.

Some chairs actually hurt us and often we don’t realise it. Probably a lot of our chairs do that. I checked a website called “” and discovered that 80% of Americans have back pain due to the chairs they use as they work in their offices. That’s a large percentage of the population! I’d say that would affect how you feel about that job, or that environment because every day you come home with your back hurting in some way! That to me is very enlightening. That means there are a lot of cranky people coming home for supper every day! No wonder we have “road rage” during rush hour!

Note to self: do not call anyone between 4:30 – 6:30pm, no matter what the reason. It will be way more amiable after the 80% of us have had a little time to give our painful backs a rest!

As you can see, the chair I'm replicating has it’s back up! This is an angry chair! This is not an ergonomically correct chair and the king who designed it was not thinking of “comfort”! This is a chair of intimidation. The purpose of this chair is to bring fear to all, friend or foe. “Do not mess with me” is the message here.

Many “experts” are paid good money to make sure our chairs make us comfortable. Every company wants productivity, so it becomes of prime importance. This king put a lot of thought into making a chair of discomfort for the purpose of intimidation and striking fear into the heart of every person in his life. What he did not know or sadly even care about was that the chair was also affecting him. First, it was an expression of his own angry heart. Secondly, it was also ergonomically wrong for him and so brought pain into his personal life. Can you imagine sitting on those sword hilts all day? That would mess with your attitude for sure, only adding to the bad attitude and anger he already had in the first place!

If I had to make a chair expressing my heart and life what kind of a chair would it be?

Can you imagine this king, who’d been sitting on knives all day, during rush hour? I can just imagine him in his weapon bristling chariot, weaving through the traffic of terrified pedestrians, riders, wagons and chariots. It would probably cost you your life it you did not see him coming and get out of the way!

This would not be “road rage” it would be murder!

“Put your sword back in it’s place, “Jesus said to him. “all who use the sword will die by the sword.”
Matthew 26:52. 

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