This is the minute after both “wings” were attached!
Thursday, June 22, was a significant day! Two amazing things happened on this day. Let’s begin with the first event.
This happened at 12:06 PM during lunch hour. As you can see above the “wings” are on the arms! The security braces are under each wrist to support the weight of the two hands. I was able to attach the hands one by one, holding each with my left hand and using a tool to roll the clay over the line of connection between the two at the wrist. Then I held the hand firmly to the arm for a few moments so a good bond could develop. Finally I was able to safely take my own supportive hands away and two hands, “wings” stood safely on their own!
I backed away and reached for my camera.….and there it is! Wow!
This week, I have been in my studio every day working on the detailing of the wings. I was determined to get that done and the hands onto the arms this week. As mentioned before, I carved them out of solid clay. While the clay dried, I kept working on the feathering details. When each of the hands had dried sufficiently, I cut them in half and hollowed out each half. For the narrow upper part were the feathers make the hand thinner, I removed as much clay as possible and then with my pin needle made numerous holes into the remaining clay up into the top ends of the feathers. This is so any moisture can escape easily from that area through the pin holes.

In my excitement, I continued working on the hands and the upper arms making the connections smooth and normal. Meanwhile, the clock kept moving along and before I knew it I was getting late for that second “landmark event of the day!” I had to rush wrapping up and getting out of my studio.
I will tell you all about that event tomorrow morning!
“…Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the first, came to me in swift flight at the time of the evening sacrifice.”
Daniel 9:21
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