Sunday 3 February 2013

Battling Procrastination!

 Leather hard swords ready to be 
attached to the throne chair.

So, I have a whole chair, "throne" to be covered by hundreds of swords!

When I began this project, I had no idea the level of tediousness this would entail. A large part of this task has been to overcome just this daunting aspect of the task.

Looking up the word "tedious" I discover just what I'm experiencing;
"1. Tiresome by reason of length, slowness, or dullness, boring.
2. Moving or progressing very slowly.
Synonyms: boredom, dryness, dullness, monotony, sameness, tiresomeness."

I know what I need to do. Make another sword and place it on the chair structure. Simple. I'd rather read, eat, do laundry, buy something, have a coffee with someone, anyone, shovel the driveway, rather than make another sword! I have become a procrastinator! There I said it. And don't tell me I need a sword to fight it! :-)

Meanwhile, the project sits there, mocking me, gathering dust! Actually, drying up on me. 

One day, I got frustrated with the slow progress of making swords and came up with a new technique. This got my juiciness running again and I was excited. At first I'd been mostly carving the swords out of the chair structure. My new idea was a good one. I could actually make several swords at once doing it in this new way. 

I roll out a flat sheet of clay and cut out the forms for the swords. Then, using the end of a dowel, I use it to roll out the sharp two edges of each sword. After this I let them dry to leather hard state. Which of course doesn't not take long as the swords are thin in the first place. Once leather hard, they are easy the handle, as they are dry enough to keep their shape as I lift and move them about, laying them on the chair to plan for it's best location. As I cover one side with wet clay slurry the sword softens again and becomes just pliable enough to bend easily as it is pressed and bent as needed into it's location on the chair. After that the guard and handle are set into place. 

This procedure has increased the pace quite a bit and so I am much encouraged. I'm beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel, as now, the front of the chair is done, yes, and what a celebration that was! Now, I just need to do the back. Yes, that large, huge, 24 inch high back area....

OK, it is a pretty dim light, but a light none the less. 

Thank you for being a friend, listening to me and helping me be accountable  Helps push me forward in times like this. You must know this, just your presence makes me a better sculptor. Thank you.

"But in order not to weary you further, I would request that you be kind enough to hear us (Me!) briefly." Acts 24:4 

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