Saturday 12 November 2011

"David at Rest" is Done!

"Resting David"
12 5/8" H, x 9 1/3"W, x 15 1/2" deep.
Clay bisque, patina and varnish finish.

Warning! This blog is different. I am not going to talk about technical stuff today. Today, I wish to answer a question that forms the bases of my inspiration of the art that I do. Especially the pieces I’ve done on David. I have the “Foxy David’, the “Dancing David” and now the “Resting David.” I’d like to explain, why all the David’s!

Let me begin with my birthday. Recently some very special friends came over to our house to celebrate my birthday. One of them asked me point blank, “Why do you like the Old Testament David so much?”

I found myself a little at a loss for words. I mentioned some things I admired but it did not seem complete. I felt I Had not really nailed it down. I have thought about that and I’d like to share it here, if you don’t mind.

The real reason I like David so much hangs on three things. First David was a “Real Man.” Anyone who knows his story would not argue with this. And I love the fact that nowhere is there any record of David ever losing a military battle, either with his 600 men or as a king with the army of Israel. And he fought a lot of battles! This guy was no sissy.

The second reason I like David is the fact that he is an “artist”. He wrote the Psalms. A “real man” who writes poetry and music yet. Amazing! It all began with his skills as a musician, playing and singing worship songs to his sheep in the beauty of nature. Then, later, playing to calm down King Saul who could not control his emotions of rage, anger or depression.

Reading the Psalms you find he was in touch with his feelings and emotions. He expressed them freely and sometimes used some surprising language, as a man, in expressing his feelings towards his God. It’s fantastic.

The third reason I like David is his unabashed love and worship of his God. No Shame and hesitation. To the point where when the Ark was brought into Jerusalem for the first time he danced “with all his might” practically nude in the streets at the head of the parade. His wife was not impressed but God loved it!

Let me also say this. David was not perfect! He made mistakes and as a public figure these have become well known. What I admire so much about that is how when he realized his mistake he would feel it deeply, make it right with his God, feel the forgiveness and bounce right back. He’d put it into the past and move forward with the business of life, knowing God loved him still.

In my past I have often desired to have a “mentor” in my life. Now I have one...

A further warning, I know down the line, there will be more David pieces in the making!

 “...they help each other and say to their companions, “Be strong!”
Isaiah 41:6


Horst Peters said...

'Resting David' looks great!

I`m looking forward to your exhibit.

Thanks for the detailed explanation. Informative, interesting, easy to read and understand. More `Davids` sounds good too!

Cliff said...

Thanks Horst.