Sunday 30 September 2012

A Throne for the Kingdom 3.

Planning for the sword detailing...
What am I getting into?

Having built the base of the throne, I am beginning to work out covering it with the swords. As you can see from the photo, there will need to be a lot of swords. Now I know that every piece has an element of detailing needed but this is looking a little onerous!

As you can see, I have made a newspaper sword as a stencil, and have drawn out the positions of the swords as needed to cover the front portion of the chair. You can see that this represents a whole lot of swords to be carved and laid onto the chair! And that’s just a small portion of the chair!

As I’ve been working on this, I’ve been thinking about how the nation so badly wanted a king, with a throne, like all the other nations. Samuel tried to warn them about all the negative things about a king, like taxes, taking your young men for an army and so on. But they wanted a king! So they got one, on their own terms.

Incidentally, like my situation with this chair, they did not realise what they got themselves into. This king was from a rich family. Nowhere is there any information or comments about the family or Saul knowing or worshipping or following God in any way. This is a significant omission. Turns out that during the whole time Saul was king, at no time did he ever consider worship in the temple or concern himself with the Ark of the Lord. It turns out he had no moral compass. In a short time it became clear he was in this for himself. To look good in the eyes of his public. The result was chaos and disappointment for the whole nation. Power corrupted him and the nation suffered big time.

Certainly made the next king, King David, a “man after God’s own heart” look pretty good.

I have to reconsider this sword detailing thing now before I begin. I know that at the top of the chair back swords will be sticking up into the air and will need to be pretty substantial so as to not break off easily. Therefore, I will experiment with creating a new sword stencil, a larger, more substantial sword. Come to think of it, it will need to be a much more substantial sword! This will lessen the number of swords needed to cover the chair, lessen the amount of time and work plus answers the question of stability for the ones needing to stand on their own.

Thanks for letting me think this through out loud. Regardless of size of the swords, it will still be a lot of work. By the time I’m done with this, none of you will recognise me as I’ll be totally cross-eyed and going bonkers.


OK, I have to take a break, where’s that grandson of mine...???

“Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more that twelve legions of angels?”
Matthew 26:53

Armrests completed.

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