Saturday 17 September 2011

"A "Peek" at Foxy David's Character!"

He's on the worktable, the first coat
of copper is being applied.

The copper reveals my signature!

King David looking pretty regal.
He is ready for his next and final coat.

While I'm at my studio, here is what will happen to David.

He will get two colors. The technique is the same as with the Jonah sculpture. There I used silver as the base coat and then used black to highlight and give tone and texture. “Foxy David” has just had his first coat of metallic copper completed. He’s looking rich, royal, powerful, confident and I have to say even "saucy".

Saucy meaning...
1. Impudent; flippant  - a saucy remark
2. Bold and lively - smart looking
3. Sexually suggestive, typically in a way intended to be ligthhearted.

I will then apply a second walnut color. This will give the figure depth and tone. When I apply the walnut I can use paper towel to wipe it back to reveal the copper tone underneath. This means the deeper aspects of the clothing etc. will remain darker (walnut) and the higher areas will reveal the copper.

I don’t want it to be a “dark” figure so I will be applying  the walnut sparingly, wiping as necessary to keep some luminosity to the figure.

These tones compliment the sad event this figure depicts, David, the king, in a relaxed mood on his rooftop, ogling the neighbourhood, getting himself into serious trouble.

"But each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed."
James 1:14

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