Sunday 25 March 2012

Looking at Learning

Can you make out the quote?
Article "Looking at Learning" by Don Pilcher
Ceramics Monthly, Nov. 2006

So I had a problem.

It had to do with my “art education”.

Should I take advantage of auditioning classes at university, which I can now do as a senior citizen for I believe free, or at least a nominal price?

Let me present my dilemma. I am the old guy, just now getting into making art, even showing gallery art at the ripe old age of...well let’s say over 65 years. It is true, I have been an artist or “artistic” all my life. I did get an education, in the process of which I always found anything artistic of special interest. I did also pay independent attention somewhat to the art world. Did dabble and explore painting here and there, when I was a student, between jobs, while I was sick or during some particular occasions of artistic enthusiasm that would overtake me once in a while. Throughout the years Wilma and I would often visit art galleries on our not so often vacations, weekends or special events that would interest us.

All of that just to say that because of my art natural art skills, I did pay more attention to art than I otherwise would have.

This was the question on my mind as I drove to the studio Monday morning. There I stood in my creative space and could not move. I felt cornered.

Time? Time is of the essence! With the time I have left what would be the reasonable thing to do. The most efficient thing? I had always thought that in my retirement I’d go to University and get the art education, bury myself in the art world, find my place. Learn the ins and outs. Now, in preparing for a show and working at expressing my feelings I thought going to university would teach me how to “correctly and more easily” translate my feelings and emotions into something visual, through the mediums of clay and charcoal drawings.

But I was hesitating now.

I turned around and walked to the library of art magazines we have in our co-operative coffee area. Grabbed two at random, opened one and saw an article called “Looking at Learning”!

Do you see a God-moment here? Wow...! I carefully began ready knowing God was going to speak somehow and that this right here, was a holy occasion. I began reading with great expectation, looking for what He might highlight for me.

First, was the quote you see I photographed above. That was a huge reassurance and important message for me. It placed everything into perspective. I need not panic or feel that the University experience was absolutely necessary. I had already heard a comment like that as I worked to prepare for the last art show. In fact it came from a sales lady at the University of Manitoba book/art store! I could not believe what I was hearing. Someone working, selling art supplies, at a university actually saying that “ education is not really all that it’s knocked up to be, many artists with no art education are doing very well.”

So, here an experienced artist and art educator was confirming the same sentiment.

Thank you Lord! I kept reading....

“ not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9

1 comment:

Horst Peters said...

Go with what you do very well - which is the ideas that God places on your heart and in your mind. Don't let 'teachers' pollute the message you are already conveying through your God-given creativity.

If God wants you to take art classes - he'll let you know in a very clear and distinct way.

Right now I seem to be hearing the old, old voices whispering insecurities and devaluing messages into your ears.

Go with what God has been leading you to do to this point. He'll indicate if and when it's time to do something else.