Friday 9 March 2012

Thrown for a Loop!

A view of the main floor area of the gallery
by Cliff Derksen

I don’t mind telling you that following the thrill, the intensity, emotion and the overwhelming positive responses of the opening night I was kind of “thrown for a loop”, to say the least.

Next to that was the overwhelming media responses. One station actually ran their morning show from the gallery!

Another thing that threw me was the number of people calling and asking if I had the time to be there to lead families, friends or groups through the display. There were seniors groups, school groups, one for example being a grade nine class of sixty students. All of this was so fun, exhilarating and exciting. Of course I always talked way to much! My apologies to all who came through.

The “Artist Talk Night” threw me for a loop as it was much like the opening night. Probably just over one hundred people packed out the open area set up with chairs. When chairs ran out they stood, or went up onto the mezzanine and listened from there. The most amazing thing about that evening was that our daughter Odia shared her story, from the perspective of Candace’s younger sister. There were things there I’d not heard before. Also, it was fun to take the mike from each other and fill in what they could not say! Also, loved the banter with one another and the audience.

Last weekend there was a Restorative Justice event at CMU and arrangements were made for them to have access to the gallery. Another heart warming experience that threw me.

And to think when I was asked about whether I would consider doing this show, I made the decision to do it, not knowing what I would create. I simply took a chance and said “yes”! Now, thinking back on it, that was totally loopy. What a risk that was and I didn’t even know it. Wow.

Tomorrow is the last day of the show. But now, I have a body of work. I know something of it’s message and loopy as I am, I will continue to say “yes”.

“...establish the work of our hands for us- yes, establish the work of our hands.”
Psalm 90:17

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