Sunday 23 October 2011

Deadlines and Priorities

David's coloring process... also a priority!

My day has gone sideways. There are deadlines that must be met today. We leave for a few days tonight. There are things that need to be done around the house, in the business and in the studio. No way around it, they need to be done today!

Self made deadlines are the worst. Those are the one's we allow to move that I mean they get pushed up. There are also business deadlines and there is no option of letting it slide. They are a priority.

Then there are personal life kind of deadlines. Circumstances of life create them  and they are part of the mix of decisions.

I have work in my studio that needs attention. I have pieces that need to be finished, like the one above. I have pieces in different stages of the "process" and sometimes some of that process has deadlines. It so happens that I've started a piece a week ago and now "life" has arranged for me to go out of town for a few days. I need to shore it up, keep it damp, wet some linen and and place it under the plastic to keep it from drying to a point where I would have to start over. 

Today, all of this has converged. Suddenly, I have a busy day of activity so that an unmovable deadline can be satisfied.

So, I have to look past today and look at this as another opportunity. As I travel, I can read about the art world. There's an article entitled, "The Function of Criticism" which I should read. There are articles about artists and their work, the process, their source of inspiration and the results of this inspiration, which I would like to read. All very instructive and informative for one who is on the eve of his own art show!

I have to get at it now....

May we all be wise in juggling deadlines today.

"...the one whom God has chosen, is young ("old," my insert!) and inexperienced. The task is great..."
1 Chronicles 29:1

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