Sunday 9 October 2011

"Twisted Steel and Sex Appeal"!

First layer of undercoat going on...
(Looks like me just few years ago!)
No wonder his wife was upset
with his dancing in public...

So I got to my studio and gingerly placed my next piece to finish on my work table. "Dancing David".

David came by his physical prowess and physique honestly. Living and working outside with his herd of sheep. Killing animals like lions and bears to protect them. As a teenager, presenting the head of a giant he'd dispatched to the king. Hired by the king of the land to join his army and quickly moving up through the ranks into leadership through amazing exploits. Like, for example, successfully killing 200 men of the dreaded Philistine military machine as a dowry for a wife.

This guy had a lot of stuff going for him including an amazing physique that made such exploits possible.

Because of this, I had such fun imagining the "atlas" type male body for David. The joy to freely go nuts and make a male figure with all the physical attributes every male dreams about.

You know that a lot of my stuff is "autobiographical" right? It's just that I have not had a chance to "dance in the street" like David did where the "twisted steel and sex appeal" would of course become obvious! (I would also, in this day and age be arrested!)

I just took my wife out to celebrate our 42nd wedding anniversary....

"I made you grow like a plant of the field. You grew up and developed and became the most beautiful of jewels...."
Eze. 16:7

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